American Credit Nonprofit Funding:$ 5.5 Million

American Credit unlocks the power of nonprofit assets, providing flexible real estate and equipment financing to amplify its mission and reach. #NonprofitFunding #RealEstateLoans #EquipmentFinancing

American Credit Nonprofit Funding:$ 5.5 Million

A leading New Jersey nonprofit needed capital to expand its facilities.  

Challenges: Since they were in the middle of construction, most banks and traditional lenders, we not willing to step in. Moreover, most banks wanted personal guarantees with a full recourse loan.

Solution: American Credit structured a real estate construction loan that would allow the clients to continue and complete their real estate expansion. The construction loan was nonrecourse with no personal guarantees.

Result: $ 5, 500,000 real estate construction loan and very happy nonprofit clients.

American Credit's ® Value Added

American Credit unlocks the power of nonprofit assets, helping to amplify their mission. #NonprofitFunding #RealEstateLoans #EquipmentFinancing

Deep experience as a leading ABL multi-lender with a dual lending platform: in-house portfolio with off-balance sheet partnerships.

Expertise in real estate financing tailored to nonprofits and houses of worship

Funding tough deals other lenders will not.

Proficiency in restructuring complicated financing scenarios and converting them into  streamlined client-first funding.

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