American Credit®:$ 100,000 Term Loan Funding Business Funding

American Credit®:$ 100,000 Term Loan Funding Business Funding

American Credit® helped a Georgia-based wholesale food company secure an unsecured term loan with no prepayment penalty.

Challenges: The client did not have their most recent business tax returns. That cut off many lending options. Moreover, he wouldn't qualify for his preferred financing choice-SBA 7a. The company needed some expansion capital.

Solution: After some debate, we concluded that this business would qualify for our new term loan program. Amounts $100,000 and lower do not need business tax returns.

We approved the client with our "New Bank-Backed Unsecured Term Loan." It has no prepayment. This would provide the client with the needed expansion capital needed. After his business finishes its last 2 years of taxes, he could apply for an SBA 7a and pay our loan off. There is no early payment fee. A true win-win.

Result: $ 100,000 Term Loan Funding

American Credit's ® Value Added:

-Deep experience as a leading ABL multi-lender with a dual lending platform: in-house and with off-balance sheet partners.

-Expertise in analyzing tough deals and knowing how to get them funded.

-Seeing the world through the eyes of our clients. Every client is different with a unique set of needs. We avoid the one-size-fits-all all approach.

-Proprietary AI/ technology with deep industry relationships across the globe.

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